What means to be a professional wedding photographer

How Much Does a Professional Wedding Photographer Cost?

What is a professional wedding photographer?

What is a photographer?

What is a professional? ..this is the thread of issues that comes to mind when I intend to describe my “services”.

Photographer: The person who deals with photography; a specialist in photographic technique. This definition also introduces the term “professional” – a person who knows a profound discipline, a domain that professes.

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Do you know how much a professional photographer costs?

On any wedding photographer site’s, everyone is recommend themselfs to be… professional wedding photographer. That person is a true professional? Having the most expensive camera and the best lenses do not rise from day to day to the rank as professional wedding photographer. As the cost of low-priced reflexes has expanded, I look distracted by the great number of enthusiasts which in the corner of their photo wrties their name followed by term “Photography” or “Studio”. They take up this profession and invade the field of wedding photography (at a low price) without even having the slightest idea of ​​the challenges will have to deal or unconsciously gamble with the most important day for the bride, the wedding day. First I have to exemplify what the professional photographer is: it is the one that his check comes from the photo services and only from this. It can not have a successful business as a wedding professional photographer and be also employed.

I recommend reading: Criteria in choosing a wedding photographer Unless art, talent, dedication, professional photography is seen as a business. Professional photographer creates art for someone, he usese the most performing equipment, which usually has a lifespan of up to three years. it is normal that after the depreciation of the cameras and accessories, the photographer still makes a profit. The work, the time, the experience of the artist who creates the art against cost must be remunerated. After all, photography is an act of artistic creation, and we are talking about the professional wedding photography. That is, the price is related to the investment and expenses of the wedding photographer.

Fotografo matrimonio

Let’s think about the skills that a professional photographer has to fulfill:
– deep knowledge in photography – marketing – sales – wedding photography – customer relations – secretarial – car driving – desktop publishing – album design – web design – light engineer – patron – accountant (and the list can continue ) What are the activities you could delegate to someone?

I believe the secretarial part can be easily delegated. You would be more efficient if someone was to deal with your customers’ correspondence, identify potential customers, answer phones, and make appointments. So it creates time for you to define your image, for appointments with other networking providers to photograph. Or why not, it would have more time for you and your family. It is a belief that wedding photography is a business like any other. But the activity to which we have to be expert is photography. Other things can be done by other people. Perhaps one aspect is difficult to delegate: direct relationship with customers, negotiation and signing of the contract.

All the people who works for you can do it from their home. So you do not have costs with a spacious office, expensive computer, etc. But do you work from your home? This is also possible, but you will mix your personal life with business as you will ever know if you are “at the program” or at home. More, where do you meet with your customers? At home? At their home? It would be better in your office, where your customer feels the certain of a stable business. So you can gain more confidence.

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